白宮的保安系統斷估不會咁兒戲,有人話荒謬,亦是實話。我們在這荒唐的世界裡尋找一些輕如鴻毛的歡樂,不是很過癮嗎?男主角Channing Tatum 及 Jamie Fox 都演得好,套戲由頭到尾緊湊,真好睇。
Stephen Leung
Lv. 10
11 年前
今年白宮双胞胎電影-白宮末日White House Down上畫四日听說收三百多萬港元。以劇情来說與飲了頭啖湯的白宮淪陷Olympus Has Fallen差不多,但两套都拍得相當好。主角Channing Tatum查寧泰坦以一敌眾恐怖份子像Die Hard般救總統及女當然可信性不高,但以純娱乐性角度去欣赏,加上動作場面營造得相當緊張刺激沒冷埸,女的勇敢表現也非常好,不失為假曰消遣的一個最佳選擇。
This is definitely more epic in scale but a lot of stereotypes obviously derived from Die Hard Part 1 (which is still the best of this type of one man vs xx enemies)Nice to see strong ordinance production values - just wish there was more 1vs1 fights Losing 2 POTUS chiefs in one day IS a bit far-fetched... The mercenaries were made to look like bad ass Sons of Anarky/ Sam but somehow falls flat..Was surprised to see an aged James Woods in this....ultimate bad guy normally in political drama/ action movies...Likes the tour guide the best...